Sheet Moss – The Natural choice as a grass lawn alternative
If like many people, you have a shaded backyard or section of your property where grass just won’t fill in due to lack of sunlight, then you should be looking for ground cover alternatives to grass. Sheet moss is a natural choice as an alternative to a grass lawn as it is a no mow option that requires very little maintenance once established. The only real requirement is removing leaves from the moss once they are all down in fall. If not, the moss will mold and rot beneath the leaves. Removal can be accomplished by gently blowing them off with a leaf blower or using protective netting to catch the leaves. In areas with sufficient rainfall such as the east coast and midwest, there are many other ground covers for grass alternatives including english ivy, pachysandra, vinca, and more. The benefit of using any of these, including sheet moss is they greatly reduce the amount of maintenance and fossil fuels utilized to keep them looking good. Repeated mowing of lawns is a very polluting practice when done at the scale it occurs in the U.S. As awareness around climate change and healthy environments increases, an alternative to a conventional grass lawn is becoming much more in vogue. Not to mention the elimination of all the noise pollution incurred by regularly mowing all these grass lawns. Sheet moss is durable – it can be walked upon, and once established in a shady area, does not require watering to survive – it only helps keep it looking lush during periods of drought. Mosses are actually much more resilient than grass during droughts, as they have no roots and the plants simply go dormant until the rains return. Sheet moss obtains all its moisture and nutrients through its’ leaves. In summary, if you are considering a simple alternative to that thin or non-existent grass lawn,
maybe it is time to embrace nature instead of working against it. Order your Mossome ™ Magic Moss Carpet today, and find out just how easy, environmentally friendly and beautiful a moss lawn can be! Not sold on moss? We also offer another pretty amazing low maintenance alternative for sun or shade lawn areas – Low mow/ No Mow Ecolawn grass seed mix.